Greenhouse by patient parking lot:

Pineapples in front of the office:

Cherries to nourish people and wildlife:

Washington naval oranges:

Desert king tree-ripening figs:

November-harvested Chilean guavas:

Bowlful of grown Bearss limes:

Nectarines about to be plucked:

Pineapple guavas (feijoas) in bloom:

Morel mushrooms from office grounds:
Meyer lemons at the office:

Freshly grown blueberries:

Calamondins (mandarin/kumquat cross):


Everbearing strawberries grown out front:

Plump golden raspberries:

Salmonberry bushes beside driveway:

Apples ripening in ocean sunshine:

Midnight snack variety of black tomatoes:

Cucumber trellises in waiting room: